Where do writers write?

If you've ever wondered where writers write, these writing photos will give you a window into their world.

Writers write in common places. Like coffee shops. Or, their home offices. But because writers often like solitude and are introverts, you may not see them in public--or at least you may not recognize them ... because they will be busy writing away ignoring you and everyone else. In fact, some famous authors, like JK Rowling, got some of their best-selling book ideas in weird places.

Like on a train. Or, in the car. Perhaps, even in the shower or waiting in an endless line.

The writing photos on this page focus on the different places people write. They'll give you a small glimpse into the writer's life. And, like the other writing photos I've shared, these are mostly my own. But, sometimes friends and other visitors contribute. 

So, if you've always wanted to know where to find writers writing, look below. In many cases, the places are mundane. At times, they border on grossly beautiful. In fact, sometimes ... even too beautiful to write.

But, you decide. 

Because reading goes with writing like bread goes with butter … 

A seriously hot day requires seriously hot reading.
(Non-fiction and historical fiction, of course. :-)

A quiet, cold & cozy Saturday


A Writer's Secret Garden

Writing from a walking dock ... No words needed.
